NIH Weekly Funding Opportunities and Policy Notices

Thursday, October 5, 2023 - 3:21am
Funding Opportunity PAR-23-228 from the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts. The goal of the NIGMS Predoctoral Basic Biomedical Sciences Research Training Program is to develop a diverse pool of well-trained scientists available to address the Nations biomedical research agenda. Specifically, this funding opportunity announcement provides support to eligible, domestic institutions to develop and implement effective, evidence-informed approaches to biomedical graduate training and mentoring that will keep pace with the rapid evolution of the biomedical research enterprise. NIGMS expects that the proposed research training programs will incorporate didactic, research, and career development elements to prepare trainees for careers that will have a significant impact on the health-related research needs of the Nation.
Thursday, October 5, 2023 - 3:11am
Funding Opportunity RFA-DA-25-011 from the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts. This broad RFA will support exploratory studies addressing mechanistic questions in HIV infection, replication, latency, and/or pathogenesis (including HAND) in the context of SUDs.
Thursday, October 5, 2023 - 2:38am
Funding Opportunity RFA-DA-24-034 from the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts. The purpose of this Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) is to encourage clinical research that will identify and validate novel targets for non-invasive brain stimulation (NIBS) and SUD-relevant neurobiological, cognitive, and behavioral responses to NIBS that precede clinical outcomes like reduced craving or drug use. Applications are expected to be exploratory and developmental in nature. As such, these studies may involve considerable risk of failure but may lead to a breakthrough in a particular area that could have a major impact on SUD research involving NIBS. This NOFO uses a R61/R33 Phased Innovation award activity code to support applications that propose mechanistic studies designed to understand a behavior or biological process, the pathophysiology of a disease, or the mechanism of action of an intervention. In addition, applications must meet the NIH definition of a clinical trial. NIH defines a clinical trial as A research study in which one or more human subjects are prospectively assigned to one or more interventions (which may include placebo or other control) to evaluate the effects of those interventions on health-related biomedical or behavioral outcomes. (NOT-OD-15-015)
Wednesday, October 4, 2023 - 9:01am
Funding Opportunity PAR-24-037 from the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts. The purpose of this Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) is to support multi-component, multi-disciplinary projects that address scientific questions relevant to AIDS prophylactic vaccine discovery research. Extensive evaluation of vaccine concepts in non-human primate models may be included.
Wednesday, October 4, 2023 - 8:49am
Funding Opportunity RFA-OD-24-002 from the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts. To advance the goals of the NIH Implementing a Maternal health and PRegnancy Outcomes Vision for Everyone (IMPROVE) Initiative, this NIH R25 Short Course Award solicits applications for short courses focusing on educating researchers on best practices for screening and/or measuring IPV in populations impacted by maternal mortality. The NIH Research Education Program (R25) supports research education activities in the mission areas of the NIH. The overarching goal of this NIH R25 program is to support educational activities that foster a better understanding of biomedical, behavioral and clinical research and its implications. To accomplish the stated over-arching goal, this NOFO will support educational activities with a primary focus on Courses for Skills.
Wednesday, October 4, 2023 - 8:39am
Notice NOT-ES-23-016 from the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts
Wednesday, October 4, 2023 - 12:07am
Funding Opportunity RFA-DA-25-059 from the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts. The purpose of this FOA is to support the testing of enhanced models of care that optimally integrate HIV, addiction, and primary care services.
Tuesday, October 3, 2023 - 11:55pm
Notice NOT-OD-24-007 from the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts
Tuesday, October 3, 2023 - 11:35pm
Notice NOT-AG-23-057 from the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts
Tuesday, October 3, 2023 - 9:12am
Funding Opportunity RFA-CA-23-041 from the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts. Through this Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO), the National Cancer Institute (NCI) intends to accelerate sharing of complex single-cell level data with the cancer research community. The Human Tumor Atlas Network Data Coordinating Center (HTAN-DCC) will serve the dual role of network and data coordination. Administratively the HTAN-DCC will be responsible for meeting coordination, including planning and administration of monthly HTAN Steering Committee meetings, monthly HTAN working group meetings, and semi-annual HTAN face-to-face meetings. A focus on HTAN data and tool reusability through the development and deployment of community education resources will outweigh the need for creating additional data sharing infrastructure in the renewal period. Additionally, it is expected that the HTAN-DCC will remain a testbed for important interactions with the NCI Cancer Research Data Commons (CRDC) and will further drive development of CRDC resources required for sharing, interacting with, and integrating across highly multiplexed imaging datasets. The HTAN-DCC will also work closely with the CRDC to ensure all relevant data and metadata is transferred to the CRDC for long-term data sustainability. Just as they did in the first phase of HTAN, these important interactions will benefit a wide scientific community and have the potential to synergize with other NCI and NIH supported programs. A reduced budget request for the HTAN-DCC reflects reuse of infrastructure developed within the first phase of HTAN, while acknowledging that a significant number of nimble and responsive HTAN-DCC personnel are required for data wrangling, ingest, and sharing.
Tuesday, October 3, 2023 - 8:56am
Funding Opportunity RFA-OD-24-001 from the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts. To advance the goals of the NIH Implementing a Maternal health and PRegnancy Outcomes Vision for Everyone (IMPROVE) Initiative, this NIH Research Career Enhancement Award (K18) invites applications from experienced investigators in maternal morbidity and mortality research seeking to expand their research programs through the acquisition of new skills and knowledge in the area of intimate partner (and related) violence (IPV). The program will support research training and career development experiences and a small-scale research project that will provide experienced investigators with the scientific competencies required to integrate IPV and related violence constructs, theories, and/or interventions into their ongoing research efforts. Eligible candidates are independent investigators at any faculty rank or level.
Tuesday, October 3, 2023 - 8:32am
Notice NOT-HD-23-026 from the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts
Tuesday, October 3, 2023 - 8:09am
Notice NOT-HL-23-097 from the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts
Tuesday, October 3, 2023 - 1:52am
Notice NOT-HD-23-021 from the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts
Monday, October 2, 2023 - 11:54pm
Funding Opportunity RFA-CA-23-039 from the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts. Through this Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO), the National Cancer Institute (NCI) solicits applications for Human Tumor Atlas (HTA) Research Centers, one of the three scientific components of the Human Tumor Atlas Network (HTAN) (NCI Human Tumor Atlas Network). HTAN is a collaborative research initiative for constructing 3-dimensional(3D) and dynamic atlases of the cellular, morphological, molecular, and spatial features of human cancers and their surrounding microenvironments as they progress from precancerous lesions to advanced disease.Each HTA Research Center will construct one human precancer or advanced cancer atlas with an explicit focus on how evolving spatial relationships contribute to important transitions in cancer from tumor initiation to metastasis.The other two HTAN components are Precancer Atlas (PCA) Research Centers and a Data Coordinating Center (DCC). Each PCA Research Center will construct one 3D precancer atlas that comprehensively characterizes a premalignant lesion with an explicit focus on understanding the transition from a precancerous lesion to malignancy.The DCC will serve the dual role of network and data coordination. It will also be responsible for meeting coordination.Research Centers have three major areas of responsibility: (1) biospecimen acquisition, processing, and annotation, (2) molecular, cellular, and spatial characterization, and (3) data processing, analysis, modeling, and visualization.
Monday, October 2, 2023 - 11:43pm
Funding Opportunity RFA-CA-23-040 from the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts. The purpose of this Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) is to solicit applications for Precancer Atlas (PCA) Research Centers, one of the three scientific components of the Human Tumor Atlas Network (HTAN) ( is a collaborative research initiative for constructing 3-dimensional(3D) and dynamic atlases of the cellular, morphological, molecular, and spatial features of human cancers and their surrounding microenvironments as they progress from precancerous lesions to advanced disease.Each PCA Research Center will construct one 3D precancer atlas that comprehensively characterizes a pre-malignant lesion with an explicit focus on understanding the transition from a precancerous lesion to malignancy. The other two HTAN components are Human Tumor Atlas (HTA) Research Centers and a Data Coordinating Center (DCC).Each HTA Research Center will conduct research to develop onespatial tumor atlas at single-cell resolution driven by specific topics in cancer biology across the continuum from cancer initiation to metastasis.
