Collaborative Activities with Banner Heath

Banner Health (BH) is the University of Arizona's academic medical partner. This partnership is governed by an Academic Affiliation Agreement (AAA). Research studies covered by the AAA are known as “covered studies”. Covered studies must meet the two following criteria:

  1. Principal Investigator (PI) is a Banner University Medical Group (BUMG) faculty physician (MD, DO, MBBS) and holds a University of Arizona faculty title; and 

  2. Research involves one or more BH resources:

  • Research involves a select site (BUMC-T, BUMC-South, BUMC-P, or BH clinics)

  • Potential study subjects have or had a treating relationship with BH

  • Data is being collected on BH patients

  • Biological samples are being collected on BH patients

Research studies that do not meet these two criteria are known as “non-covered studies”. These are studies conducted by a PI who is not a BUMG faculty physician.  Please contact our office with questions.

Banner Research Support Services Catalog

Banner Research provides enterprise-wide reserach strategy and program support for Banner Health and the University of Arizona through an academic affiliation agreement.  This gives Banner the opportunity to build synergy among their various research efforts, have consiistent management of grants and trials, and work closely with their clinical and academic partners to conduct cutting-edge and compliant clinical studies.  To support these efforts from a data perspective, Banner Research also coordinates with Banner IT to provide tools that can assist researchers.

Clinical Research Program Directors (CRPD) 

Please look for your discipline to find your corresponding CRPD contact.

Sydney Goosen Sydney Goosen
  • Cellular & Molecular Medicine, Clinical Teaching, Dermatology, Endocrinology, Hematology/Oncology, Immunobiology, Infectious Disease, Nephrology, Oncology - Adult & Pediatric, Physiology, Radiation Oncology
 Carol Elliott
  • Asthma and Airway Disease (A2DRC), Animal & Biomedical Science, Emergency Medicine, Family & Community Medicine, Genetics, Genomics & Precision Medicine, Neurology, Neurosurgery, OBGYN, Pharmacy/Pharmacology, Psychiatry, Psychology, Public Health, Pulmonary, Allergy, Crticial Care, & Sleep Medicine, Rheumatology, Translational & Regenerative Medicine, Urology
 Laura Tank
  • Anesthesiology, AZ Center on Aging, Biomedical/Biosystem Engineering, Center for Integrative Medicine, Gastroenterology, Geriatrics, General Internal, and Palliative Medicine, Hepatology, Inpatient Medicine, Medical Imaging, Opthamology, Orthopedics, Otolaryngology, Pathology, Pediatrics, Sarver Heart (Cardiology & Perfusion), Trauma/Surgery.
 Robert Flynn
  • COM-Phoenix - All Departments/Disciplines, Humanitarian Use Devices (system-wide), Expanded Access Programs/Compassionate Use (system-wide)
Karen Johnson 
  • Nursing 

Banner Security Badges

If you're a University of Arizona Researcher and require access to a restricted area at Banner. Please, fill out the Request form below and specify the exact area you need access to. Please, attach your IRB approved letter and protocol with your request. When submitting your request, please title the subject line of your email "Badge Request".

Email completed request form to Badge Request.

  • Badge request takes approximately 24 hours to process.
  • Level access takes approximately 48 hours to process.


Research Feasibility Review

Required for all protocols that involve research being conducted at a BH site, BH services, patients with a treating relationship with BH (past/present), data or specimen collection, etc. Click here to download an adobe .pdf of CRC Meeting Presentation. 

Vaccination Status for Vendors

Vendors who come in contact with patient care areas or our team members need to be compliant with our vaccination mandate.

Complete the mobile attestation each time you arrive at a Banner facility.

CERNER Training & Access

CERNER is the electronic health records (EHR) system used by Banner Health. Research staff must receive training to obtain access.

Cerner access will expire one year after it is granted, please contact your designated Clinical Research Program Directors (CRPD) to renew. UA employees should complete the forms provided below and send the completed forms to their designated CRPD.

Complete New Employee Cerner Request Form

Complete BH Computer Access Request Form (CAR) - Research

The information you provided on your forms will be used to create your account.

You will receive two e-mails from External Enterprise Learner (EEL) Workday (one for accessing your account and one with your login).  It will take about 24 hours from the time the account is created until the required modules are available; please allow appropriate time for account creation and the uploading of modules.  Please note: the appropriate affiliation in your EEL account is “Research Non-Employee”. This designation ensures you receive the correct training modules in your account, as follows:

  • Cerner Ambulatory for Research and PowerTrials
  • Cybersecurity Awareness Training
  • Banner HIPAA Privacy and Security Library-Annual
  • Banner Code of Conduct Acknowledgement

Upon completion of the modules, print certificates to PDF (or take snip/screenshots) and email them to your designated CRPD.

Upon receipt of completion confirmation, the IT tickets will be submitted (vendor ID & Cerner) for access to Cerner.

When IT completes the tickets, an email containing final instructions for login will be sent to you


CERNER Access For Study Monitors 

Cerner access for external monitors should be made no less than 14 days in advance of their scheduled visit. 

Computer Access Request Form

Monitoring Request Form

Provisions can also be made for an unscheduled urgent monitor visit which will be processed in 24 hours.

  • To request access please complete the two forms:  Monitor Request Form (complete all information in form) & Computer Access Request (CAR) Form
  • Be sure to select the "Type of data requested" when completing the Monitor Request Form.
  • Have your supervisor complete the signature line at the bottom of the CAR Form.
  • For monitors who have previously had access granted, they will only need their access reactivated for the dates that they will be on site.
  • Send the 2 completed forms via encrypted email to your designated CRPD.  Emails should be encrypted as the Monitor Request Form includes Protected Health Information (PHI).

If you have any additional questions, please call the BUMCP Help Desk phone number: (602) 747-4444 (also located at the top of the CARS form).


Student Onboarding

Students will need to create an email containing the following information:

Student Information Form

Explain in the email:

  • Why you need an account.
  • How long you will need it.
  • Who you will be working with.

Once completed, send the email with the above information and form to: 

Things to Note: The process could take up to 30 days. Students will need to register at My Clinical Exchange (mCE) Website. There is a $20.00 semester fee to use the mCE Website.

Student Onboarding will vet the students with the same requirements as employees:

  • Background checks
  • Follow the drug test guidelines
  • Vaccination verification

Student Onboarding will also:

  • Requests Badges
  • Confirm Cerner Training
  • Request Cerner and VPN for students


Banner Cerner Help: Contact the Banner IT service desk at (520) 694-HELP (4357; Tucson) or (602) 747-4444 (Phoenix). Select Option 6 for assistance with Multi-Factor Authentication.

Cerner User Access or Training: Contact Laura Wilkes at (602)839-3266.

Banner Research IT Requests FAQ Overview

Cerner Charge Validation: Email BHRI Finance