NIH Weekly Funding Opportunities and Policy Notices
Funding Opportunity PAR-17-025 from the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts. The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to provide dissertation awards in all areas of research within NIAs strategic priorities to increase diversity of the scientific research workforce engaged in research on aging and aging-related health conditions.
Funding Opportunity RFA-ES-17-001 from the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts. The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to stimulate the development of innovative statistical, data science, or other quantitative approaches to studying the health effects of complex chemical mixtures in environmental epidemiology.
Funding Opportunity PAS-17-022 from the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts. This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) supports Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) grant applications from small business concerns (SBCs) that will develop and/or validate devices or electronic systems that can: 1) monitor biologically- or behaviorally-based processes applicable to mind and body interventions or 2) be used to assist in optimizing the practice or increasing the efficacy of mind and body interventions. The applications should: 1) lead to the development of new technologies, 2) adapt existing innovative technologies, devices and/or electronic systems, 3) repurpose existing devices and electronic systems, or 4) conduct testing of single or combined components of an integrated, long term, automated, wearable monitoring, stimulation device or electronic system in order to monitor or enhance the mechanistic processes or functional outcomes of mind and body interventions. For the purposes of this FOA, mind and body interventions are defined as non-pharmacological approaches that include mind/brain focused interventions (e.g., meditation, hypnosis), body-based approaches (e.g., acupuncture, massage, spinal manipulation/mobilization), or combined mind and body meditative movement approaches (e.g., yoga, tai-chi, qigong).
Funding Opportunity PAS-17-023 from the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts. This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) supports Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) grant applications from small business concerns (SBCs) that will develop and/or validate devices or electronic systems that can: 1) monitor biologically- or behaviorally-based processes applicable to mind and body interventions or 2) be used to assist in optimizing the practice or increasing the efficacy of mind and body interventions. The applications should: 1) lead to the development of new technologies, 2) adapt existing innovative technologies, devices and/or electronic systems, 3) repurpose existing devices and electronic systems, or 4) conduct testing of single or combined components of an integrated, long term, automated, wearable monitoring, stimulation device or electronic system in order to monitor or enhance the mechanistic processes or functional outcomes of mind and body interventions. For the purposes of this FOA, mind and body interventions are defined as non-pharmacological approaches that include mind/brain focused interventions (e.g., meditation, hypnosis), body-based approaches (e.g., acupuncture, massage, spinal manipulation/mobilization), or combined mind and body meditative movement approaches (e.g., yoga, tai-chi, qigong).
Funding Opportunity RFA-RM-16-027 from the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts. This NIH Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is part of the Stimulating Peripheral Activity to Relieve Conditions (SPARC) Common Fund program. This FOA invites applications exclusively for non-clinical tests in animal models to obtain safety and efficacy data that support new market indications for a limited set of neuromodulation devices. Partnering companies (see Device Portal) have agreed to provide neuromodulation technology to investigators supported by the SPARC program. Pre-clinical developments supported by this FOA are expected to generate the necessary safety and efficacy evidence to enable an Investigational Device Exemption (IDE) submission for a future pilot clinical study.
Funding Opportunity PA-17-021 from the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts. This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) invites research projects to improve understanding of the causes of high priority diseases in the United States and reducing/eliminating health disparities. Research is encouraged in the following high priority diseases within the scientific mission areas of the NIDDK: diabetes; obesity; nutrition-related disorders; hepatitis C; gallbladder disease; H. Pylori infection; sickle cell disease, specifically, studies in complications of sickle cell disease within the NIDDK mission areas; kidney diseases; urologic diseases; hematologic diseases, including studies in abnormal hemoglobin synthesis; metabolic diseases; gastrointestinal, hepatic, and renal complications from infection with HIV. Clinical trials are not permitted in response to this FOA.
Funding Opportunity RFA-DE-18-001 from the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts. This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) encourages investigators to submit research grant applications on the use of implementation science strategies aimed at reducing the time between establishment of the evidence base of interventions/policies/practices and widespread uptake and adoption for dental/oral/craniofacial health.
Funding Opportunity PAR-17-020 from the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts. The National Institute on Aging invites Revision applications to ongoing NIA-supported Alzheimer's Disease Research Centers (P50) in order to expand the scope of the existing award. Revision applications may propose a new core, new project or changes to an existing core. Revision applications may not request support beyond the end date of the Parent P50 award.
Funding Opportunity PAR-17-019 from the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts. The National Institute on Aging invites Revision applications to ongoing NIA-supported Alzheimer's Disease Core Centers (P30) in order to expand the scope of the existing award. Revision applications may propose a new core or changes to an existing core. Revision applications may not request support beyond the end date of the Parent P30 award.
Funding Opportunity RFA-DA-17-020 from the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts. The FOA encourages the submission of research project applications to determine nicotines modulatory effects on peripheral and central immune system functions in the presence of HIV-1 infection. Specifically, NIDA is particularly interested in projects exploring the ability of nicotine to produce anti-inflammatory and protective effects, and the translational potential of the new knowledge in attenuating HIV-induced pathologies and HIV-associated CNS complications such as neurological/cognitive disorders.
Funding Opportunity RFA-MH-17-215 from the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts. This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) intends to support a Brain Cell Data Center (BCDC) that will work with other BICCN Centers and interested researchers to establish a web-accessible information system to capture, store, analyze, curate, and display all data and metadata on brain cell types, and their connectivity. The BCDC is expected to: (1) lead the effort to establish spatial and semantic standards for managing heterogeneous brain cell census data types and information; (2) lead the effort to collect and register multimodal brain cell census data to common brain coordinate systems; (3) generate searchable 2D and 3D digital brain atlases for cell census data; and (4) generate a unified and comprehensive brain cell knowledge base that integrates all existing brain cell census data and information across diverse repositories. A central goal of this and the three companion FOAs is to build a brain cell census resource that can be widely used throughout the research community.
Funding Opportunity RFA-MH-17-210 from the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts. This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) intends to assemble a group of Specialized Collaboratories that will adopt scalable technology platforms and streamlined workflows to accelerate progress towards establishing reference cell atlases of human brain and/or non-human primate brains. A central goal of this and the three companion FOAs is to build a brain cell census resource that can be widely used throughout the research community.
Funding Opportunity RFA-MH-17-230 from the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts. This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) intends to support Specialized Collaboratory that will adopt scalable technology platforms and streamlined workflows to generate a comprehensive 3D brain cell reference atlas encompassing molecular, anatomical, and physiological annotations of brain cell types in mouse, and incorporate additional genetic and other advanced cell-specific targeting approaches and tools to facilitate this goal. A central goal of this and the three companion FOAs is to build a brain cell census resource that can be widely used throughout the research community.
Funding Opportunity RFA-MH-17-225 from the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts. This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) intends to assemble a group of Comprehensive Centers that will adopt scalable technology platforms and streamlined workflows to generate a comprehensive 3D brain cell reference atlas encompassing molecular, anatomical, and physiological annotations of brain cell types in mouse, and incorporate additional genetic and other advanced cell-specific targeting approaches and tools to facilitate this goal. A central goal of this and the three companion FOAs is to build a brain cell census resource that can be widely used throughout the research community.
Funding Opportunity PA-17-016 from the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts. This funding opportunity announcement (FOA) seeks to stimulate research that focuses on reducing negative individual and family outcomes related to unwanted transitions at the end of life and optimizing the individual and family outcomes related to high quality coordination of care of care of individuals who are enrolled in hospice. This FOA emphasizes individuals who are receiving hospice care and their family caregivers, in any setting where hospice care is provided, including their home, a relatives home, a hospice inpatient facility, an assisted living facility, a short- or long-term care facility, or a hospital.
Funding Opportunity PA-17-015 from the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts. This funding opportunity announcement (FOA) seeks to stimulate research that focuses on reducing negative individual and family outcomes related to unwanted transitions at the end of life and optimizing the individual and family outcomes related to high quality coordination of care of care of individuals who are enrolled in hospice. This FOA emphasizes individuals who are receiving hospice care and their family caregivers, in any setting where hospice care is provided, including their home, a relatives home, a hospice inpatient facility, an assisted living facility, a short- or long-term care facility, or a hospital.
Funding Opportunity PA-17-014 from the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts. The purpose of this funding opportunity announcement (FOA) is to stimulate clinical research addressing behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD) and the association of BPSD with unmet physical, social, or environmental needs in persons with dementia.
Funding Opportunity PA-17-013 from the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts. The purpose of this funding opportunity announcement (FOA) is to stimulate clinical research addressing behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD) and the association of BPSD with unmet physical, social, or environmental needs in persons with dementia.
Funding Opportunity PA-17-012 from the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts. This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) seeks clinical research on self-management interventions and technologies that improve health and quality of life in persons needing assistance to optimize and maintain existing functional capabilities, prevent/delay disabilities and navigate their environment. The research focus encompasses maintenance/restorative care that can be tailored to individuals existing functional abilities and interests and is intended to enhance physical, sensory, motor, and mental capabilities. Of particular interest is research designed to maintain functional capabilities in such conditions as cardiac and respiratory insufficiency, movement impairment associated with arthritis, chronic back pain, stroke, and other physical or cognitive disabilities.
Funding Opportunity PA-17-011 from the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts. This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) seeks clinical research on self-management interventions and technologies that improve health and quality of life in persons needing assistance to optimize and maintain existing functional capabilities, prevent/delay disabilities and navigate their environment. The research focus encompasses maintenance/restorative care that can be tailored to individuals existing functional abilities and interests and is intended to enhance physical, sensory, motor, and mental capabilities. Of particular interest is research designed to maintain functional capabilities in such conditions as cardiac and respiratory insufficiency, movement impairment associated with arthritis, chronic back pain, stroke, and other physical or cognitive disabilities.