NIH Weekly Funding Opportunities and Policy Notices

Monday, May 10, 2021 - 9:47am
Notice NOT-LM-21-008 from the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts
Monday, May 10, 2021 - 9:16am
Funding Opportunity PA-21-235 from the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts. Reissue of PA-18-350. The NIMH Exploratory/Developmental Grant program supports exploratory and high-risk research projects that fall within the NIMH mission by providing support for the early and conceptual stages of these projects. These studies may involve considerable risk but may lead to a breakthrough or to the development of novel techniques, agents, methods, measures, models, or strategies, or to the generation of pilot or feasibility data. The preliminary work from these studies could lead to a major impact on biomedical, behavioral, or clinical mental health research, or on the delivery of mental health care.
Monday, May 10, 2021 - 12:41am
Funding Opportunity PA-21-219 from the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts. The Joint NINDS/NIMH Exploratory Neuroscience Research Grant program supports exploratory and innovative research projects, which fall within the missions of the NINDS and NIMH. Awards will provide support for the early and conceptual stages of projects. These studies often assess the feasibility of a novel avenue of investigation and involve considerable risk, but have the potential to bring about breakthroughs in the understanding of important areas of neuroscience, or to the development of novel techniques, agents, methodologies, or models, of high value to the neuroscience community. While this funding opportunity also accepts clinical trials, only applications proposing mechanistic clinical trials or studies or basic experimental studies with humans (BESH) will be considered for funding. For information on the types of clinical trial that are within scope of this funding opportunity announcement, refer to Funding Opportunity Description, below.
Monday, May 10, 2021 - 12:26am
Funding Opportunity PAR-21-168 from the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts. The NIH Research Education Program (R25) supports research education activities in the mission areas of the NIH. The over-arching goal of this R25 program is to support educational activities that foster a better understanding of biomedical, behavioral and clinical research and its implications. To accomplish the stated over-arching goal, this FOA will support creative educational activities with a primary focus on research experiences for high school or undergraduate students or science teachers during the summer academic break. The proposed program needs to fit within the mission of the participating IC that the application is being submitted to and should not have a general STEM focus (see below and Table of IC-Specific Information and Points of Contact).
Sunday, May 9, 2021 - 11:39pm
Notice NOT-DC-21-002 from the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts
Sunday, May 9, 2021 - 11:22pm
Funding Opportunity PA-21-205 from the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts. This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) encourages formative research, intervention development, and pilot-testing of interventions. Primary scientific areas of focus include the feasibility, tolerability, acceptability and safety of novel or adapted interventions that target HIV prevention, treatment or services research for people who use drugs. For the purposes of this FOA, "intervention" may include behavioral, social, or structural approaches, as well as combination biomedical and behavioral approaches that prevent the acquisition and transmission of HIV infection, or improve clinical outcomes for persons living with HIV.
Friday, May 7, 2021 - 8:29am
Funding Opportunity PAR-21-236 from the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts. The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to encourage grant applications for investigator-initiated exploratory clinical trials to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS). The trials must address questions within the mission and research interests of the NINDS and may evaluate drugs, biologics, and devices, as well as surgical, behavioral and rehabilitation therapies. Information about the mission and research interests of the NINDS can be found at the NINDS website (
Friday, May 7, 2021 - 7:57am
Notice NOT-DA-21-049 from the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts
Friday, May 7, 2021 - 12:46am
Funding Opportunity RFA-DK-21-007 from the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts. This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) invites applications for a Central Primary Reference Laboratory (CPRL) to provide support for the harmonization and standardization of laboratory measurements critical for clinical research in type 1 diabetes. The CPRL will provide administrative functions to coordinate harmonization efforts among clinical laboratories and commercial suppliers of reagents and methods, and will provide measurements of reference values for C-peptide and HbA1c measurements.
Friday, May 7, 2021 - 12:29am
Funding Opportunity PAR-21-228 from the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts. Reissue of PAR-17-485. The NIH Research Education Program (R25) supports research education activities in the mission areas of the NIH. The over-arching goal of this National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) R25 program is to support educational activities that complement and/or enhance the training of a workforce to meet the nations biomedical, behavioral and clinical research needs and advance the priorities outlined in the Office of AIDS Research (OAR) Annual Strategic Plan and the research program priorities of the NIMH Division of AIDS Research (DAR). To accomplish the stated over-arching goal, this FOA will support creative educational activities with a primary focus on Research Experiences and Mentoring Activities that either capitalize on existing networks of collaborating investigators or develop institute-based research education programs. Both research experiences and mentoring activities are required; research experiences are expected to be primary. Research Education Programs are expected to enhance the professional development of the participants and foster a career trajectory towards independent research in the mental health of HIV/AIDS.
Thursday, May 6, 2021 - 11:57pm
Funding Opportunity RFA-NS-21-024 from the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts. The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to encourage investigators to pursue a small clinical trial to obtain critical information necessary to advance recording and/or stimulating devices to treat central nervous system disorders and better understand the human brain (e.g., Early Feasibility Study). Clinical studies supported may consist of acute or short-term procedures that are deemed Non-Significant Risk (NSR) by an Institutional Review Board (IRB), or Significant Risk (SR) studies that require an Investigational Device Exemption (IDE) from the FDA, such as chronic implants. The clinical trial should provide data to answer key questions about the function or final design of a device. This final device design may require most, if not all, of the non-clinical testing on the path to more advanced clinical trials and market approval. The clinical trial is expected to provide information that cannot be practically obtained through additional non-clinical assessments (e.g., bench top or animal studies) due to the novelty of the device or its intended use. Activities supported by this Funding Opportunity include a small clinical trial to answer key questions about the function or final design of a device. As part of the BRAIN Initiative, NIH has initiated a Public-Private Partnership Program (BRAIN PPP) that includes agreements (Memoranda of Understanding, MOU) with a number of device manufacturers willing to make such devices available, including devices and capabilities not yet market approved but appropriate for clinical research. In general it is expected that the devices' existing safety and utility data will be sufficient to enable new IRB NSR or FDA IDE approval without need for significant additional non-clinical data. For more information on the BRAIN PPP, see
Thursday, May 6, 2021 - 11:57pm
Funding Opportunity RFA-NS-21-023 from the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts. The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to encourage investigators to pursue translational activities and small clinical studies to advance the development of therapeutic, and diagnostic devices for disorders that affect the nervous or neuromuscular systems. Activities supported in this program include implementation of clinical prototype devices, non-clinical safety and efficacy testing, design verification and validation activities, obtaining an Investigational Device Exemption (IDE) for a Significant Risk (SR) study, as well as a subsequent small clinical study. The clinical study is expected to provide information about the device function or final design that cannot be practically obtained through additional non-clinical assessments (e.g., bench top or animal studies) due to the novelty of the device or its intended use. This FOA is a milestone-driven cooperative agreement program and will involve participation of NIH program staff in negotiating the final project plan before award and monitoring of research progress.
