NIH Weekly Funding Opportunities and Policy Notices

Tuesday, December 28, 2021 - 12:47am
Funding Opportunity RFA-AG-23-009 from the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts. The goal of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA)is to support research addressing critical knowledge gaps in our understanding of how lipids contribute to vulnerability and resilience to brain aging and Alzheimers disease (AD)and its related dementias (ADRD), including research addressing how: 1) lipid droplets affect brain aging and AD, including whether their accumulation is pathological or protective; (2) the periphery interacts with lipids in the aging brain, including whether these could be targets for future biomarkers; (3) APOE and lipid-mediated signaling influence brain aging and AD/ADRD progression; and (4) myelin lipids and their signaling contribute to brain aging and AD/ADRD.
Tuesday, December 28, 2021 - 12:40am
Notice NOT-AG-21-033 from the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts
Monday, December 27, 2021 - 10:58am
Notice NOT-NS-22-050 from the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts
Monday, December 27, 2021 - 1:30am
Notice NOT-OD-22-047 from the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts
Monday, December 27, 2021 - 1:30am
Notice NOT-OD-22-046 from the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts
Sunday, December 26, 2021 - 11:44pm
Notice NOT-NS-22-057 from the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts
Sunday, December 26, 2021 - 11:35pm
Notice NOT-AI-22-018 from the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts
Sunday, December 26, 2021 - 11:07pm
Notice NOT-EB-21-024 from the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts
Sunday, December 26, 2021 - 11:07pm
Notice NOT-EB-21-023 from the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts
Sunday, December 26, 2021 - 11:05pm
Notice NOT-CA-22-030 from the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts
Sunday, December 26, 2021 - 11:00pm
Notice NOT-NS-22-051 from the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts
Thursday, December 23, 2021 - 8:26am
Funding Opportunity RFA-MH-22-136 from the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts. This initiative seeks to solicit applications for research projects that address the link between social disconnection including both objective social isolation as well as perceived social isolation (otherwise known as loneliness) and suicide in late-life. Emphasis is placed on research that identifies neurobiological and environmental mechanisms associated with social isolation and loneliness that increase risk for suicidal thoughts and behavior in late-life, that uses an experimental therapeutics approach to identify targets and develop and test interventions to prevent late-life suicide, and that develops new and modifies existing service delivery models to enhance social connection in late-life to prevent suicide.
