NIH Weekly Funding Opportunities and Policy Notices

Wednesday, January 8, 2025 - 9:17am
Funding Opportunity PA-25-169 from the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts. This Trailblazer Award is an opportunity for NIH-defined New and Early Stage Investigators ( to pursue research programs that integrate engineering and the physical sciences with the life and/or biomedical sciences. A Trailblazer project may be exploratory, developmental, proof of concept, or high risk-high impact, and may be technology design-directed, discovery-driven, or hypothesis-driven. Importantly, applicants must propose research approaches for which there are minimal or no preliminary data. A distinct feature for this FOA is that no preliminary data are required, expected, or encouraged. However, if available, minimal preliminary data are allowed. Preliminary data are defined as material which the applicant has independently produced and not yet published in a peer-reviewed journal. All preliminary data should be clearly marked and limited to one-half page, which may include one figure. Applications including data more than one-half page or more than one figure will be considered noncompliant with the FOA instructions and will not go forward to review.
Wednesday, January 8, 2025 - 9:14am
Funding Opportunity PAR-25-250 from the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts. The purpose of the NIDCD Research Dissertation Fellowship for Au.D. Audiologists (F32) program is to support a comprehensive, rigorous biomedical research training, and dissertation research leading to a research doctorate (i.e., Ph.D.) in the biomedical, behavioral, or clinical sciences.
Wednesday, January 8, 2025 - 8:26am
Notice NOT-AG-24-030 from the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts
Wednesday, January 8, 2025 - 2:59am
Funding Opportunity PAR-24-329 from the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts. This notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) encourages formative research, intervention development, and pilot-testing of interventions. Primary scientific areas of focus include the feasibility, tolerability, acceptability and safety of novel or adapted interventions that target HIV prevention, treatment or services research for people who use drugs. For the purposes of this NOFO, "intervention" may include behavioral, social, or structural approaches, as well as combination biomedical and behavioral approaches that prevent the acquisition and transmission of HIV infection, or improve clinical outcomes for persons living with HIV.
Wednesday, January 8, 2025 - 1:31am
Funding Opportunity RFA-AT-25-002 from the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts. This notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) invites investigators currently funded through the NIH Implementing a Maternal Health and Pregnancy Outcomes Vision for Everyone (IMPROVE) Initiative to develop applications to test the feasibility of complementary and integrative approaches with psychological and/or physical inputs (often called mind and body interventions) to promote healthy pregnancies and enhance maternal health outcomes. Currently funded IMPROVE investigators- particularly the Maternal Health Centers of Excellence- are encouraged to partner with investigators with complementary and integrative health expertise. Eligibility is limited to currently funded investigators of the IMPROVE initiative. Applications submitted under this NOFO are expected to propose a multisite feasibility clinical trial that will provide new information that is scientifically necessary for the planning and conduct of a subsequent clinical efficacy or effectiveness study, pragmatic trial, or dissemination and implementation trial on a mind and body intervention to enhance maternal health. It is expected that applications to this NOFO will describe the planned future clinical trial and in so doing demonstrate that the proposed (R01) research is scientifically necessary to design or plan the subsequent fully powered, full-scale clinical trial. Under this R01, the data collected should be used to fill gaps in scientific knowledge, including, but not limited to the following: assessing whether the intervention can be delivered with fidelity across sites; demonstrating feasibility of recruitment, accrual, and randomization of participants across sites; demonstrating participant adherence to the intervention, as well as retention of participants throughout the study across sites; refining and assessing the feasibility of protocolized multimodal interventions, and/or demonstrating feasibility of data collection across sites in preparation for a future fully powered, multisite efficac
Wednesday, January 8, 2025 - 12:54am
Funding Opportunity RFA-NR-25-004 from the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts. Research shows that intersecting systems of privilege and oppression produce and sustain wide and unjust variations in health. The Axes Initiative will support research to understand health at the intersections of social statuses such as race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, and ability, by examining contributions of social and other determinants of health.
Wednesday, January 8, 2025 - 12:36am
Funding Opportunity RFA-AT-25-003 from the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts. The purpose of this initiative is to: (1) support the efforts by R15-eligible Principal Investigators (PIs) to conduct rigorous basic and/or mechanistic pain research projects; (2) promote integrated, interdisciplinary research partnerships between R15-eligible PIs and additional investigators from U.S. domestic institutions, and (3) enhance the pain research environment at the R15-eligible institution for health professional trainees or undergraduate and/or graduate students by actively engaging them in the proposed pain research projects.
Wednesday, January 8, 2025 - 12:18am
Funding Opportunity PAS-25-102 from the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts. This Notice of Funding Announcement (NOFO) encourages the submission ofpilot and feasibilityclinical trialsconducted in humans that will lay the foundation for larger clinical trials related to the prevention and/or treatment of diseases and conditions within the mission of NIDDK. The program will support small, short-term proof-of-concept clinical trials in humans to acquire preliminary data regarding the effects of the intervention, as well as feasibility data related to recruitment and retention, and study conduct. Applications for clinical trials submitted under this NOFO should have clearly described aims and objectives and have a high likelihood that the trial findings will lead to more definitive, hypothesis-driven trials to improve understanding, diagnosis, prevention or treatment of the diseases studied and have the potential to impact clinical practice and/or public health.Preliminary data regarding intervention efficacy are not required.
Wednesday, January 8, 2025 - 12:01am
Funding Opportunity PAR-25-377 from the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts. This Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) will support innovative, collaborative, and multi-disciplinary research focused on clinical epidemiology, evaluation of public and/or health care policies, and validation of measurements that address health and health care disparities related to non-communicable and chronic diseases (NCDs) with the highest disease burden and mortality in Latin America and among U.S. Hispanics/Latinos. Multi-disciplinary research teams would be expected to meaningfully collaborate with key partners that must include at least one PI or MPI from institutions in Latin America.
Tuesday, January 7, 2025 - 11:43pm
Funding Opportunity PAS-25-073 from the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts. This Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) seeks to stimulate HIV/AIDS research within the mission of the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) that align with the HIV/AIDS research priorities outlined by the NIH Office of AIDS Research (OAR). These priorities were most recently described in NOT-OD-20-018 UPDATE: NIH HIV/AIDS Research Priorities and Guidelines for Determining HIV/AIDS Funding.
Tuesday, January 7, 2025 - 11:13pm
Funding Opportunity PAR-25-048 from the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts. The purpose of this announcement is to encourage grant applications for investigator-initiated prospective observational comparative effectiveness research (CER) to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS). The study must address questions within the mission and research interests of the NINDS and may evaluate preventive strategies, diagnostic approaches, or interventions including drugs, biologics, and devices, or surgical, behavioral, and rehabilitation therapies. Information about the mission and research interests of the NINDS can be found at the NINDS website ( Studies proposed should provide a cost-effective means of collecting data with a meaningful bearing on current clinical practice. Awards made under this FOA will initially support a milestone-driven planning phase (UG3) for up to 2 years, with possible transition to a observational study phase of up to five years (UH3). Only UG3 projects that have met the scientific milestones and feasibility requirements may transition to the UH3 phase. The UG3/UH3 application must be submitted as a single application, following the instructions described in this FOA. The UG3 phase for observational studies will permit both scientific and operational planning activities. Scientific planning activities include small-scale data collection to assess the feasibility and/or acceptability of data collection, storage, and planned analyses. Operational planning activities include, at a minimum, development of recruitment and retention strategies, case report forms, data management system and other tools for data and quality management. The UH3 phase of the award will support the conduct of investigator-initiated observational study.
Tuesday, January 7, 2025 - 8:41am
Notice NOT-LM-24-008 from the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts
Tuesday, January 7, 2025 - 8:18am
Funding Opportunity PAR-25-363 from the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts. The purpose of this NOFO is the rapid and efficient translation of innovative laboratory research findings into therapeutics for use by clinicians to treat visual system diseases or disorders. Multidisciplinary teams of scientists and clinicians must focus on generating preclinical data that will lead to the development of biological, pharmacological, medical device and/or combination product interventions. The ultimate goal of this program is to make new technological, biological and pharmacological resources available to clinicians and their patients. The steps towards this goal should be clearly delineated in a series of milestones that support the development of a therapeutic or device that will lead to an Investigational New Drug (IND) or Investigational Device Exception (IDE) application to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and/or testing in a clinical trial. The R33 is to focus on advancing a single therapeutic candidate through IND/IDE -enabling studies, filing an IND package with the FDA, and designing future clinical trials. Applicants pursuing early stage applied research should consider the companion (R61/R33) NOFO PA-23-XXX.
Tuesday, January 7, 2025 - 8:17am
Funding Opportunity PAR-25-335 from the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts. The purpose of this Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) is the rapid and efficient translation of innovative laboratory research findings into therapeutics for use by clinicians to treat visual system diseases or disorders. Multidisciplinary teams of scientists and clinicians must focus on generating preclinical data that will lead to the development of biological, pharmacological, medical device and/or combination product interventions. The ultimate goal of this program is to make new technological, biological and pharmacological resources available to clinicians and their patients. The steps towards this goal should be clearly delineated in a series of milestones that support the development of a therapeutic or device that will lead to an Investigational New Drug (IND) or Investigational Device Exception (IDE) application to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and/or testing in a clinical trial. This NOFO will utilize a bi-phasic, milestone-driven mechanism of award. The R61 phase will support research that has demonstrated significant preliminary data but has not advanced to the level of clinical translation. The R33 phase will support research that is in the final states of preclinical development with potential for near-term clinical development. Support for a single phased award that does not need the R61 Exploratory phase is available in the companion R33, PAR-23-205.
