Changes to Proposal Submission Process at Sponsored Projects

Sponsored Projects Services has made some significant changes to the UAccess Research system. Here's what “first-in, first-out” review means for your proposals:

No cuts, no buts. Sponsored Projects Services (SPS) is changes its workflow in an effort to ensure that every researcher is given a fair and equitable proposal service. As of February 8, 2016, SPS will now review and submit proposals on a campus-wide “first-in, first-out” basis in the order they are received by SPS both fully approved in UAccess Research and ready for submission or signature. SPS has committed to continue to review proposals in the order they are prioritized; however, there is no guarantee of submission by the sponsor deadline if the three-day deadline has not been met.

Deviations from this new “first-in, first-out” process require approval from the Office for Research & Discovery. Only in situations in which circumstances beyond the control of the Principal Investigator prevents a proposal from being submitted (i.e., all approvers for a department or college are unreachable for two or more days) can request for an exception to be made by submitting a Late Proposal Request. Late Proposal Request FAQ’s can be found here.

Here’s how your University of Arizona Health Sciences Research Administration team will keep you on track:

  • Begin the routing process for your proposal as early as possible once key personnel and their efforts are locked down (recommended one to two weeks before the 3-day deadline)
  • Monitor each proposal's progress in UAccess Research to ensure all parties are logging in to approve in a timely manner
  • Identify primary unit (department and/or college) approver who will log into UAccess Research at least daily
  • Make sure each approval level for a given unit has more than one approver, in case the primary approver is out on vacation or sick
  • We will monitor deadline progress, and submit the Late Proposal Request Form when circumstances require it

For more information on proposal submissions, internal deadlines, or late proposal requests see

Additional questions or concerns regarding this new process can be directed to:
Sponsored Projects Services
Phone: (520) 626-6000

Originally Posted: 
Friday, February 26, 2016 - 4:00pm