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Business Affairs Learning Session - Clinical Trials Finance Presentation 


OnCore Clean-up to the  Financial Modernization Project: 

An OnCore data clean-up is underway in preparation for the Financials Modernization Project. Current changes include but are not limited to the Main/Management tab and PC Console: 

  • The “Internal Account No.” field must contain the KFS Account number.
  • KFS# must be 7 characters including only numbers, no letters. If there is an associated subaccount, please utilize the "Hospital Account No." field.
  • If the KFS# is pending assignment, “Pending” must be listed in the Internal Account No. field.
  • Internally funded studies should list “Internal” if there is no KFS#

Please reach out to if you have any questions.

Payments to Banner & Sonora Quest Lab: 

Payments for Banner and SQL invoices, distributed through October 2023, MUST be submitted to the Financial Services Office (FSO) by December 13, 2023. This will ensure that our medical partners receive payments for their fiscal year end. Please direct any questions to